The Power of Partnership
Becoming a Ministry Partner
Becoming a Ministry Partner means to take part, through monthly prayer and financial support, in our vision to touch lives across Ireland with the gospel of Jesus. No ministry can function—let alone flourish—without the financial support of Ministry Partners. Jesus had Joanna; Paul had the church of Philippi; and we have you.
To our current and past Ministry Partners, thank you. Because of your faithful partnership in this work, city officials and local charities continue to see a glimpse of Jesus’ love for them; local churches, organisations, and leaders were helped to expand their ministries; and people who’d never again step foot in a church building got the pastoral care they wouldn’t have known they could have. Thank you, for your faithfulness!
To anyone considering to become a new Ministry Partner (or become one again), thank you for doing so. Your partnership will mean feeding at-risk kids; resourcing churches; spreading the Gospel of Jesus; and showing others just how close the Kingdom really is.
Please, join us—there’s so much more to do!